5. Select the Save button and then Test Connection button to make sure the tool is configured correctly.
6. Navigate to the Repositories tab and select + New JFrog Maven Repository.
7. Add the form fields:
Repository Name
Package Type - Maven
8. Select Create button.
You can now proceed to add the feed to the Octopus tool.
69. Navigate to a configured Octopus tool.
710. Navigate to the Applications tab and select the Create button. A drop down will appear. Select External Feed.
811. Select External Feed and fill out the Create New Octopus Feed form with the following fields:
Space Name - Default
Feed Type - Maven
Tool Type - Frog (Once you select the Tool Type you can select the recently created tool)
Tool - Select the recently created tool.
Repository - Select the repository.
912. Click Save button and the Feed has now been created.