5. “Test Connection” to be successful to ensue ensure the credentials are valid
7. Enter the details and save
8. Navigate to git Repositories tab, click + New Argo Repositories button and provide values for the following fields:
Name - Provide a unique name for the new Argo repository.
SCM type - Select the source control management tool to configure. Choose from Bitbucket, Github or Gitlab.
SCM Tool - Select your configured source control management tool provided in the drop down.
Repository Name - Select a repository, fetched from the selected source control management tool.
9. Navigate to Projects tab and enter details
, click + New Argo Project button and provide values for the following fields:
Name - Create a unique name for the Argo project.
Sources - The drop down list will provide sources from the repository selected in the git Repositories tab.
Destinations - *
Whitelisted Cluster Resources - *
Blacklisted Namespaced Resources - *
Whitelisted Namespaced Resources - *
Click Save button to save project.
Pipeline setup and configuration: