Flyway Database: Select the Snowflake account configured in the Tool Registry.
SCM Type: Select a Source Control Management type. Choose from Bitbucket, Gitlab and Github.
SCM Account: Select the Source Control Management tool configured in the Tool Registry.
Workspace/Project: Select the Workspace or Project within your SCM that hosts the Repository corresponding to the Snowflake Database.
Repository: Select the Repository within your selected SCM containing the scripts to be migrated.
Branch: Chose the branch that will be migrated.
Schema: Select the schemas that will be managed by Flyway.
Base Schema: The default schema that will host the Flyway schema history table.
Scripts Location: The location within SCM containing the SQL scripts.
Database: The Snowflake database where the migration will occur.
Warehouse: The Snowflake Compute warehouse to be utilized for this operation.
Info Step output
This will provide a summary of the available history in the schema history table along with identified migrations from the filesystem marked as ‘Pending’. This feature is currently WIP and will be available by mid February 2022.
Deploy Step output
This will provide the details of the migrations applied and the status of the migrations