Utilize the ‘Terraform Cloud’ tool in the Opsera Tool Registry to intergrate Terraform Cloud in Opsera Pipelines. In the ‘Organizations’ tab create, delete and edit organizations in Terraform Cloud. Once an organization is created, navigate to the ‘Workspaces’ to add a Terraform Cloud Workspace. The Terraform Cloud Workspace added in this tab will be referenced in the pipeline setup in the scenario that a user wants to save the terraform state file remotely to the configured Terraform Cloud.
State File Management:
Manual - Managed by Opsera
Backend State - Select AWS S3, Bucket Name or Region Azure, Terraform Cloud, Terraform Enterprise or Local Filesystem from the dropdown list. Depending on selection, the following selections will be made available from dropdown menus:
S3 Bucket Name - Select a bucket name pulled from AWS.
Bucket Region - Select the region of the selected bucket from the dropdown.
Azure Tool - Select a configured Azure Tool from the Tool Registry.
Azure Credential - Select the configured Azure Application Credentials from the Azure Tool’s ‘Applications’ tab .
Storage Account Name - Select the Storage Account Name, fetched from the configured Azure app.
Resource Group -Select a Resource Group fetched from the Azure portal.
Storage Container - Select a Storage Container fetched from the Azure portal.
Terraform Cloud
Terraform Cloud Tool - Select a configured Terraform Cloud tool from the Tool Registry.
Organization Name - Select the Organization from the selected Terraform Cloud Tool, added in ‘Organization’ tab of the Terraform Cloud tool.
Workspace Name - Select the Workspace Name added in the ‘Workspaces’ tab of the Terraform Cloud tool.
Terraform Enterprise - In order for the Terraform Cloud tool to be fetched as Terraform Enterprise, navigate to the ‘Connection' tab of tool in Tool Registry and enable the ‘Is Terraform Enterprise?’ toggle.
Terraform Cloud Tool - Select a configured Terraform Cloud tool from the Tool Registry with enabled Terraform Enterprise toggle and corresponding Terraform Enterprise URL.
Organization Name - Select the Organization from the selected Terraform Cloud Tool, added in ‘Organization’ tab of the Terraform Cloud tool.
Workspace Name - Select the Workspace Name added in the ‘Workspaces’ tab of the Terraform Cloud tool.