Select the “Cluster” name
[OPTIONAL] Enable the radio button “Enable Argo Rollouts for Blue/Green Deployment” for using Blue/green deployment in pipeline step
This can be enabled by editing at later stage as well
Click “Create” → Cluster get created successfully
Repositories Creation:
Click “Repositories” tab-> +New Argo Repositories
Enter all the fields-> Click on “create”
Repository gets created successfully
Projects Creation:
Click “Projects” tab-> +New Argo Projects
Enter the fields. Source field will have the created repository listed in the dropdown. Choose the created repository.
Give * as values in all the fields and NA in Blacklisted Namespaced Resources. Click “Create” button
Project gets created successfully
Application Creation:
Click “Applications” tab-> +New Argo Application
Enter the fields. Project Name dropdown will list the project created in the projects tab. Choose the project from the dropdown
Cluster dropdown will have the list of AWS and Azure clusters created in the clusters tab. Select the cluster as per the requirement.
Give the GIT Path, GIT URL and Branch Name. Click “Create” button
Application gets created successfully
AWS Tool Registration:
Create New Tool->Select Jenkins
Enter a tool name → Click “Create”