This tutorial will walk you through how to create and configure the pipeline step for Nexus Tool.
Create a Nexus Repository tool in Opsera’s Tool Registry
The below mentioned steps will guide the step by step following steps provide instructions on workflow for Nexus Tool:
Open Opsera Portal > Tool Registry > Click on ‘New ‘+ New Tool’ button.
2. On the ‘Create New Tool’ page > Enter ‘Nexus tool name’ and select tool identifier as ‘Nexus Repository’
and click Create button
→ Locate Nexus tool. Click ‘Select Tool’. Provide values for required fields and click ‘Create’ button to save the new tool.
3. ‘Success message’ for tool creation will be displayed and Summary screen of the created tool will be displayed.
4. Enter ‘Nexus URL’, User ID and Nexus Password of the tool and click on ‘Save’ button.
‘Nexus Tool configuration updated successfully!’ message will be displayed.
5. Click ‘Test Connection’ button to validate a successful connection.
Nexus Maven Push Step Setup
1. Create a new blank pipeline template to set up the steps to attain the push of artifacts to Nexus tool.
10. Click on ‘Save’ button → Configuration details of Nexus step will be saved successfully
Nexus Docker Push Step Setup
Create a new blank pipeline template to set up the steps to attain the push of artifacts to Nexus tool.