Below are the list of Salesforce Metadata component types that are supported within Opsera.
Components | Pipeline | Org Sync Task | Bulk Migration | |
1 | ActionLinkGroupTemplate |
| |
2 | AnalyticSnapshot |
| |
3 | AnimationRule |
| |
4 | ApexClass |
| |
5 | ApexComponent |
| |
6 | ApexPage |
| |
7 | ApexTestSuite |
| |
8 | ApexTrigger |
| |
9 | AppMenu |
| |
10 | ApprovalProcess |
| |
11 | ArticleType |
| |
12 | AssignmentRule |
| |
13 | AssignmentRules |
| |
14 | Audience |
| |
15 | AuraDefinitionBundle |
| |
16 | AuthProvider |
| |
17 | AutoResponseRule |
| |
18 | AutoResponseRules |
| |
19 | BigObject |
| |
20 | BrandingSet |
| |
21 | BrandingSetProperty |
| |
22 | BusinessProcess |
| |
23 | CallCenter |
| |
24 | CallCoachingMediaProvider |
| |
25 | CampaignInfluenceModel |
| |
26 | Certificate |
| |
27 | ChannelLayout |
| |
28 | CleanDataService |
| |
29 | CleanRule |
| |
30 | CMSConnectSource |
| |
31 | Community |
| |
32 | CommunityTemplateDefinition |
| |
33 | CommunityThemeDefinition |
| |
34 | CompactLayout |
| |
35 | ConnectedApp |
| |
36 | ContentAsset |
| |
37 | CspTrustedSite |
| |
38 | CustomApplication |
| |
39 | CustomField |
| |
40 | CustomHelpMenuSection |
| |
41 | CustomLabel |
| |
42 | CustomLabels |
| |
43 | CustomMetadata |
| |
44 | CustomNotificationType |
| |
45 | Custom Metadata Object |
| |
46 | CustomObject |
| |
47 | CustomObjectTranslation |
| |
48 | CustomPermission |
| |
49 | CustomSettings |
| |
50 | CustomTab |
| |
51 | Dashboard |
| |
52 | DashboardFolder |
| |
53 | DelegateGroup |
| |
54 | Document |
| |
55 | DocumentFolder |
| |
56 | DuplicateRule |
| |
57 | EmailFolder |
| |
58 | EmailServicesFunction |
| |
59 | EmailTemplate |
| |
60 | EmbeddedServiceBranding |
| |
61 | EmbeddedServiceConfig |
| |
62 | EmbeddedServiceCustomLabel |
| |
63 | EmbeddedServiceFieldService |
| |
64 | EmbeddedServiceFlow |
| |
65 | EmbeddedServiceFlowConfig |
| |
66 | EmbeddedServiceLiveAgent |
| |
67 | EmbeddedServiceMenuItem |
| |
68 | EmbeddedServiceMenuSettings |
| |
69 | EmbeddedServiceQuickAction |
| |
70 | EntitlementTemplate |
| |
71 | EscalationRule |
| |
72 | EscalationRules |
| |
73 | ExternalDataSource |
| |
74 | ExternalObjects |
| |
75 | ExternalString |
| |
76 | FieldSet |
| |
77 | FlexiPage |
| |
78 | Flow |
| |
79 | FlowCategory |
| |
80 | FlowDefinition |
| |
81 | GlobalPicklist |
| |
82 | GlobalValueSet |
| |
83 | GlobalValueSetTranslation |
| |
84 | Group |
| |
85 | HomePageComponent |
| |
86 | HomePageLayout |
| |
87 | IframeWhiteListUrlSettings |
| |
88 | Index |
| |
89 | IndexField |
| |
90 | InstalledPackage |
| |
91 | KeywordList |
| |
92 | Layout |
| |
93 | LeadConvertSettings |
| |
94 | Letterhead |
| |
95 | LightningBolt |
| |
96 | LightningComponentBundle |
| |
97 | ListView |
| |
98 | ManagedContentType |
| |
99 | ManagedTopics |
| |
100 | MatchingRule |
| |
101 | MatchingRules |
| |
102 | ModerationRule |
| |
103 | MutingPermissionSet |
| |
104 | MyDomainDiscoverableLogin |
| |
105 | NamedCredential |
| |
106 | Network |
| |
107 | NetworkBranding |
| |
108 | OauthCustomScope |
| |
109 | PathAssistant |
| |
110 | PermissionSet |
| |
111 | PermissionSetGroup |
| |
112 | PlatformCachePartition |
| |
113 | PlatformEventChannel |
| |
114 | PlatformEventChannelMember |
| |
115 | PlatformEvents |
| |
116 | PostTemplate |
| |
117 | Profile |
| |
118 | Prompt |
| |
119 | Publisher |
| |
120 | Queue |
| |
121 | QuickAction |
| |
122 | QuickActionDefinition |
| |
123 | RecommendationStrategy |
| |
124 | RecordType |
| |
125 | RedirectWhitelistUrl |
| |
126 | RemoteSiteSetting |
| |
127 | Report |
| |
128 | ReportFolder |
| |
129 | ReportType |
| |
130 | Role |
| |
131 | SamlSsoConfig |
| |
132 | Scontrol |
| |
133 | Settings |
| |
134 | SharingCriteriaRule |
| |
135 | SharingGuestRule |
| |
136 | SharingOwnerRule |
| |
137 | SharingReason |
| |
138 | SharingRules |
| |
139 | SharingSet |
| |
140 | Site(CustomSite) |
| |
141 | SiteDotCom |
| |
142 | Skill |
| |
143 | SlaProcess(EntitlementProcess) |
| |
144 | StandardValueSet |
| |
145 | StandardValueSetTranslation |
| |
146 | StaticResource |
| |
147 | Territory2 |
| |
148 | Territory2Model |
| |
149 | Territory2Rule |
| |
150 | Territory2Type |
| |
151 | TopicsForObjects |
| |
152 | TransactionSecurityPolicy |
| |
153 | UserCriteria |
| |
154 | UserProvisioningConfig |
| |
155 | ValidationRule |
| |
156 | WebLink |
| |
157 | WorkflowAlert |
| |
158 | WorkflowFieldUpdate |
| |
159 | WorkflowKnowledgePublish |
| |
160 | WorkflowOutboundMessage |
| |
161 | WorkflowRule |
| |
162 | WorkflowSendAction |
| |
163 | WorkflowTask |
| |
164 |
| ||
165 | Translations |
Here are the list of SFDC Components - added & configured on specific dates,