Opsera provides various integration solutions for Microsoft Azure use cases. Listed below are common How To topics for working with our Azure integrations. Opsera supports 3 Azure tools in Tool Registry: Azure, Azure Account Legacy and Azure Devops. Read the following documentation to distinguish between the tool types, and to understand which tools are used in specific pipelines and tasks.
Tool Identifier: azure
Description: The Azure Tool is a new updated version of the Azure Account Legacy Tool. It enables users to add application credentials via the ‘Applications’ tab that can be fetched in Azure Cluster Tasks, Azure AKS Deploy step in Pipelines, and Azure Function step in Pipelines. It contains the following improved functionality:
Contains an added 'Applications' tab where user can add application ID & password) instead of entering in Connections tab with Subscription and Tenant ID.
‘Connections’ tab only contains ‘Subscription ID’ and ‘Tenant ID’ fields.
‘Storage’ tab contains Azure Storage Account Name and Azure Storage Shared Access Signature to be saved in the Vault. Provide credentials for Push to Azure Storage step.
Areas Used:
AKS Clusters in Tasks
Azure AKS Deploy step in Pipelines
Azure Functions step in Pipelines
Push to Azure Storage step in Pipelines
Tool Identifier: azure_account
Description: The Azure Account Legacy Tool is the first version of an Azure tool and contains more limited functionality.
Does not have 'Applications' tab so user enters application ID and password in Connections tab.
User must enter Application information from Azure portal in the Connections tab. This info is stored securely in the vault.
Areas Used:
Azure ACR Push
Azure deployments via Octopus
Tool Identifier: azure-devops
Description: Azure DevOps Server is a Microsoft product that provides version control, reporting, requirements management, project management, automated builds, testing and release management capabilities.
Used only in Azure DevOps pipeline.