
Tool Registry Configuration

  1. Create new Apigee tool and navigate to the Connections tab.

  2. Provide the following credentials:

    Version - Select Edge from drop-down.
    Zone -
    Username -
    Password -

  3. Save the credentials then click Test Connection button to validate connection.

Pipeline Step Configuration


  1. Provide the following credentials for an org to org transfer:

    Tool - Select the configured Apigee tool.
    Type - Select Transfer from the drop-down.
    Export Org - Select another configured Apigee tool where you wish to export change.


  1. Provide the following credentials to deploy to a branch:

    Tool - Select the configured Apigee tool.
    Type - Select Deploy from drop-down.
    Target Environment -
    Delay Time (in secs) -

Apigee Pipeline Run Assistant

  1. Configuration Selection: Provide the following selections in the Apigee Pipeline Run Assistant:

    Selected Configuration -
    Name -
    Assett Types -
    KVM Environments -
    Name pattern match regex - (* - any character, -single character)

2. Migration Object Selection: Select migration object

Once a migration object is selected, provide the version (for all but key value map), Save, then Proceed with Migration Objects.

Pipeline Activity Logs