Opsera’s Metadata Transformer Rules enables you to perform actions on metadata while transforming them in a pipeline workflow.
The types of operations supported are:
Search and Replace: Searches for a text and replaces it with the desired text.
Exclude: Excludes a specific (XML) tag from metadata component file during the metadata transformation
The workflow entails building a Jenkins job that will be used to create the metadata transformer rule. The text that needs to be searched for and replaced is then defined, successfully configuring an Salesforce Metadata transformer rule. You can directly define the settings of the rule in the workflow phase called "Metadata Transform Step." You can get further details by looking at the related console logs after the pipeline has finished executing.
In this Section:
Create Jenkins Job
Set up Salesforce Metadata Transformer Rules
Configure Metadata Transform step in Pipeline
View Logs
Login to Opsera and navigate to Operations > Tool Registry.
Click View on the configured Jenkins tool, and click the Jobs tab.
Click+ New Jenkins Job.
In the Create New Jenkins Job popup, enter the following details:
Name: Enter a unique name for the job.
Job Type: Select SFDC Jobs from the dropdown.
Build Step: Select Salesforce Metadata Transformer from the dropdown.
Agent Label: Select a label from the dropdown.
Description: Enter a relevant description.
5. Click Create.
The new Jenkins job will be successfully created.
Navigate to Operations > Tool Registry and choose a configured Salesforce Metadata configurator tool.
Click Metadata Transformer Rules tab, and then click the +New Salesforce MetaData Transformer Rules.
In the Create New Salesforce MetdaData Transformer Rules popup, enter the following details:
Name: Enter a unique name for the rule. This name will be fetched in the Metadata Transformer Rule drop-down of the pipeline step configuration.
Component Type: Select a component type from the dropdown.
Component Name: Choose a filter and enter the value. For example, you can define the filter to Contain the text CH_AddMemberInTeam.
Operation: You can choose Search & Replace or Exclude from the dropdown.
Upon choosing Search and Replace, enter the following:
(a) Search Text: Enter the text to search which will be replaced.
(b) Replace Text: Enter the text to be replaced with.
Upon choosing Exclude as Operation, enter the Tag details.
Click Create.
The metadata transformer rule will be saved.
You can perform the Search & Replace with Tag filters. This is applicable for components with XML format. The tag needs to be provided with the hierarchical structure.
Example: For WorkflowAlerts to scan through senderAddress, the tag name must be Workflow.alerts.senderAddress
You can perform the Search & Replace with Tag filters. This is applicable for components with XML format. The tag needs to be provided with the hierarchical structure.
Example: For WorkflowAlerts to scan through senderAddress, the tag name must be Workflow.alerts.senderAddress
Open the pipeline for which you want to configure metadata transformer rules.
Click the gear icon on the Metadata Transform Step, and define the following fields:
Jenkins Tool: Select a Jenkins tool that contains the configured Salesforce Metadata job with Salesforce Data Transformer Build.
Jenkins Job Type : Select Opsera Managed Job.
Tool Job: Select the Jenkins job which is configured using the Create Jenkins Job step.
Specify Salesforce Credentials: Select the Salesforce Metadata Configurator tool containing the added metadata transformer rule.
Metadata Transformer Rule: Select the metadata transformer rule name.
Build/XML Step Info: Select the step created for create package in the workflow.
Click Save.
The metadata transformer rules will be applied to the step.
Upon successful Pipeline run, you can view the Pipeline logs and Console logs to learn more about the pipeline status and its execution details.
To view Pipeline Logs, open the pipeline and click Summary. Click the Metadata transform step to view the relevant Pipeline logs.
You can also view console logs for a specific step in a pipeline. Open a pipeline log and click Console Output under Actions, and view the logs under Console Log tab.