Salesforce Pipeline Wizard - CSV Upload How To

Salesforce Pipeline Wizard - CSV Upload How To

  1. Prepare a CSV with files to use for deployment.

    Pre-Requisites for creating a CSV Template
    i. Headers should match as compared with sample CSV File Template below
    ii. Component Qualified API Name should be given under the Component Name column in a CSV Upload file
    iii. Allowed Commit Action values are Added, Removed, and Modified (If empty we consider it as Modified)


  • View this sample CSV file template for correct formatting:

  • For a list of supported components and the syntax for each component types, view the following document:

2. Navigate to Pipeline and click on XML/File Upload Process tab

3. Select the Source Org: From SFDC or From GIT

4. Drop the CSV file directly into the upload box or click on the upload box to make a file selection.

5. Select the Desired CSV or XML.

6. Click Process File.

7. A table with data will be generated. Confirm that the information is accurate then click Proceed with Selected Files

8. Click Proceed to confirm that you would like to proceed with the operation.

9. The Pipeline Wizard has now started.