Argo Deployment set up for Azure

Argo Deployment set up for Azure

Creating a cluster in Azure

  1. Download the Azure CLI Install the Azure CLI for Windows

  2. Login to Azure account

    az login


3. Create a Kubernetes Cluster

kubectl installation


4. Install ArgoCD CLI based on your system from https://argoproj.github.io/argo-cd/cli_installation/


5. Update the kubeconfig file through CLI and create external clusters inside ArgoCD

# Update the kubeconfig file for auth. az aks get-credentials --name cluster-name --resource-group cluster-resource-group-name # Login to argocd server through cli # For Windows "/argocd-windows-amd64.exe" login <argocd_server_url> --password <password> --username <username> # For Linux ./argocd-linux-amd64 login <argocd_server_url> --password <password> --username <username> # add external cluster through cli to argocd argocd cluster add <cluster-name> --name <any-name>

Configuring git in Argo Tool

  1. Login to Argo tool → Settings

  1. Navigate to Repositories

  1. Click “Connect repo using HTTPS” / SSH as per requirement

  1. Enter the details:

Select the type as git

Enter Repo URL and credentials and connect

  1. The added Repo details get reflected in Repositories

Configuring Project in Argo Tool

  1. Navigate to Repositories → Projects

  2. Click New Project

  3. Enter the required details and save

  4. The saved project is reflected

Configuring Kubernetes cluster in Argo Tool

The cluster added to Argo via CLI is reflected in “Clusters” tab of Argo tool.

Prerequisites For Nexus

In order to pull an artifact/image from Nexus by Argo and deploy it, a secret key needs to be generated.

  1. Generate a secret token from Kubernetes for Nexus


2. Copy the generated secret token


3. Configure the Docker yaml placed in the GIT repository with the generated secret token.

Similar to line numbers 6-17 below:

Registering Argo Tool

  1. Login to https://portal.opsera.io -> Tool Registry -> Click “+New Tool” Button

  1. Enter a name and select “Argo” as Tool Identifier

  1. Click “Create” button for the tool to be registered

  1. Enter connection details - URL, ID and password and save

  1. “Test Connection” to be successful to ensue the credentials are valid

  1. Navigate to Application tab and Click “Create Argo Application”

  1. Enter the details and save

Pipeline setup and configuration:

Sample pipeline flow:

Jenkins Docker Build → Nexus Push → Argo Deploy


  1. Jenkins - Docker Build

Sample Configuration screenshot of Docker build step:


2. Nexus Push configuration sample screenshot


3. Argo Tool - Argo deploy step configuration

Rollback Enabled - When this step is enabled , rollback will happen automatically by deploying the artifact which is pointed to the artifacts.

4. Save the steps and Run the Pipeline


5. Pipeline successful run

Argo Tool Validation

  1. Login to Argo Tool and verify the application reflected and synced