Release Update 7/16/2021

Compliance (Beta): 

  • Git Custodian: Enhancements

    • Supporting more filter options to filter the results and download them

    • Link to the line item of the issue to respective tool (Gitlab / GitHub / Bitbucket)

    • Git Custodian line item gives more details in one click



  • SAP CPQ Webhook : Webhook support is extended for SAP CPQ similar to salesforce

    • A webhook triggered on Git Commit, files modified in that commit will be pulled and deployed to the environment configured in that pipeline

  • API Integrator: Authorization enhancements

  • Azure Native Webapps Deployment

  • Boomi support (Beta launch):

    • Pipeline to create Packages out of the Boomi components and deploy to different Environments

Pipeline Enhancements:

  • Support for azure commands for different use cases using Inline/Scripts/Package within OpsERA pipelines

Platform Enhancements:

  • Pipeline Template Management: Admin user to create a template from scratch or use an existing pipeline push it to catalog with type mentioned from Settings

  • Enhancements to help texts around insights and tasks

  • Slack & MS teams notification support for tasks


Documentation: (Note: Please save the below links for Opsera platform guidance)

Execute AWS Terraform using IAM & store statefile in S3 bucket:

Native Support for Azure AKS, ACR and Azure Tasks Support:

Getting Started:

Tool Chain Automation:

Declarative Pipeline:

Salesforce Pipeline:

Tool Registry:

Opsera Release Notes:

Team Opsera

P.S. As always, you can reach out to us at if you have any questions.