Release Update 7/16/2021
Compliance (Beta):
Git Custodian: Enhancements
Supporting more filter options to filter the results and download them
Link to the line item of the issue to respective tool (Gitlab / GitHub / Bitbucket)
Git Custodian line item gives more details in one click
Meta Data Transformation
Transforming the metadata content by either search and replace a text or exclude attributes from the component manifest
Provar Integration
Provar can be utilized via Opsera to run test cases against a Salesforce Org of your choice using the instructions
SAP CPQ Webhook : Webhook support is extended for SAP CPQ similar to salesforce
A webhook triggered on Git Commit, files modified in that commit will be pulled and deployed to the environment configured in that pipeline
API Integrator: Authorization enhancements
Users can now make a request to get a token, parse that token, and then pass it to the main API calls in question where relevant
Azure Native Webapps Deployment
Enabling support for native azure web apps deployment from Opsera
Users can now deploy docker and package (zip, war, ear, jar) based artifacts
Boomi support (Beta launch):
Pipeline to create Packages out of the Boomi components and deploy to different Environments
Pipeline Enhancements:
Support for azure commands for different use cases using Inline/Scripts/Package within OpsERA pipelines
Platform Enhancements:
Pipeline Template Management: Admin user to create a template from scratch or use an existing pipeline push it to catalog with type mentioned from Settings
Enhancements to help texts around insights and tasks
Slack & MS teams notification support for tasks
Documentation: (Note: Please save the below links for Opsera platform guidance)
Execute AWS Terraform using IAM & store statefile in S3 bucket:
Native Support for Azure AKS, ACR and Azure Tasks Support:
Getting Started:
Getting Started with Opsera
Tool Chain Automation:
Toolchain Automation
Declarative Pipeline:
Building a Declarative Pipeline
Salesforce Pipeline:
Salesforce: Pipeline User Guides
Tool Registry:
Tool Registry
Opsera Release Notes:
Opsera Release Updates
Team Opsera
P.S. As always, you can reach out to us at if you have any questions.