Opsera now offers Git Custodian support in a tasks. This allows user to choose from Custodian libraries then run a scan against the configured SCM repos. Define a maximum threshold and choose any secrets to ignore in the scan. Use the following documentation as a guideline of how to use Opsera’s Git Custodian support in tasks.
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Task Setup Instructions
Select Git Custodian from the Type drop-down. Once this has been selected, the following values will be fetched for selection:
Source Code Management Tool Type - Select a source control management tool (SCM) identifier. Choose from Gitlab, Github or Bitbucket.
Source Code Management Tool - Select the respective Source Code Management Tool containing the repository to run a scan against.
Maximum Allows Secrets Threshold - Select the maximum allowed secrets that scan can contain without receiving a failure status.
Exclude Certain Secrets from Scan - Select the Bitbucket Workspace or Project where your repository exists.
Secrets To Ignore - Select any Parameters to be ignored during the scan from the drop-down. These will not be counted toward the threshold. To add them to the table, click the ‘Add’ button. Parameters are fetched from Tool Registry Parameters.
Repositories Available to Scan- Select the repositories to run a scan against.
Selected Repositories - Repositories selected from those available will appear in this table.
2. Click Create to save. After the task is saved, select the Run Task button to successfully run the scan.