Git Custodian Task Documentation
Opsera now offers Git Custodian support in a tasks. This allows user to choose from Custodian libraries then run a scan against the configured SCM repos. Define a maximum threshold and choose any secrets to ignore in the scan. Use the following documentation as a guideline of how to use Opsera’s Git Custodian support in tasks.
Task Setup Instructions
Select Git Custodian from the Type drop-down. Once this has been selected, the following values will be fetched for selection:
Source Code Management Tool Type - Select a source control management tool (SCM) identifier. Choose from Gitlab, Github or Bitbucket.
Source Code Management Tool - Select the respective Source Code Management Tool containing the repository to run a scan against.
Bitbucket Workspace (Bitbucket) - Select the respective Bitbucket workspace where repositories are located.
Maximum Allows Secrets Threshold - Select the maximum allowed secrets the scan can contain without receiving a failure status.
Exclude Certain Secrets from Scan:
Secrets To Ignore - Select any Parameters to be ignored during the scan from the drop-down. These will not be counted toward the threshold. To add them to the table, click the ‘Add’ button. Parameters are fetched from Tool Registry Parameters.
Repositories Available to Scan- Select the repositories to run a scan against.
Selected Repositories - Repositories selected from those available will appear in this table.
2. Click Create to save. After the task is saved, select the Run Task button to successfully run the scan.
Activity Logs
To view status and logs from the Git Custodian task, navigate to Activity Logs.
Click on the Report to see any details and the status of the Git Custodian scan:
Failed Scan - Results exceed threshold
Successful Scan - Results do not exceed threshold