Power Users Access Help Documentation

Power Users Access Help Documentation

Power Users have limited access to Pipelines, Scripts and Tool Registry. These users can view all Pipelines, they can change settings on a Pipeline step and run the Pipeline. They cannot change the flow or design of pipeline. They can duplicate a Pipeline and view the Templates as well. View the following charts to determine Power User access in a given area:

Scripts Access





Allowed to Pull Scripts List

Able to create Scripts

Able to update Scripts

Able to edit Script Access Roles

Able to delete Scripts

Able to get securely stored Script values from the Vault

Parameters Access





Allowed to pull Custom Parameters List

Ale to create Custom Parameters

Able to update Custom Parameters

Able to edit Custom Parameter Access Roles

Able to delete Custom Parameters

Able to get securely stored Custom Parameter values from the Vault

Tool Registry Access



Able to pull Registry Tools list

Able to create Registry Tools

Able to update a Registry Tool’s Settings

Able to update a Registry Tool’s Jobs

Able to update a Registry Tool’s Accounts

Able to update a Registry Tool’s Repositories

Able to update a Registry Tool’s Projects

Able to update a Registry Tool’s Connection Settings

Able to update a Registry Tool’s Access Roles


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