Build Blueprints

Build Blueprints

How do you navigate build Blueprints ?

What are build Blueprints ?

Build Blueprints are the consolidated logs of your pipeline for every stage in the pipeline, providing visibility to everyone who has access to that particular pipeline in Opsera. The Blueprint can be exported back to a Jira ticket, or its corresponding logs can be pushed to S3 bucket or downloaded as a PDF file for audit and compliance purposes.

Most importantly, Build Blueprints will reduce the time during a pipeline failure and reduces the manual hand off between Development, QA and the Operations team.

How do you access build Blueprints ?

  1. Login to Opsera Portal with your email ID and password.

  2. Click Blueprints under “Operations” (https://portal.opsera.io/blueprint)

  3. Select the “pipeline name” from the drop down and provide the Run count # as shown in the below image and click “Lookup”

  4. Users will be able to see all the logs associated with the pipeline in the order which is executed and also be able to click “View Pipeline” to go the pipeline and check for the logs in the summary section of the pipeline as well.

  5. Users will also be able to download the logs as PDF by clicking the download button next to view pipeline.


In the case of any issues or questions, please contact us via support@opsera.io



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