Tomcat Octopus Pipeline
Tomcat Octopus pipeline execution
In order to pass scripts using Octopus, script should be created in the tool registry.
Script values can be stored in DB.
We can use this script for passing it via Octopus and use it in the Octopus Deploy step configuration.
Creating Scripts
Login to -> Tool Registry -> Click Scripts tab->Click on New Script
Click on the new script give Name, select language as PowerShell and give script details and click on the Create button. Values will be stored in DB.
Creating Tomcat Manager in Octopus Tool
Navigate to the existing Octopus tool in Tool Registry -> Applications tab -> Create -> Tomcat Manager
Enter Tomcat Instance Name
Select the space name as Default
Provide tomcat credentials and save
Creating pipeline with Octopus Deploy step and adding the Scripts
Click on New pipeline or Existing Octopus pipeline.
Click on the Octopus deploy step ->Config ->Platform Type ->select Deploy to Tomcat via Manager. Select created Tomcat manager in Tomcat Manager field.
2. Enable Custom Deployment Scripts -> Select created script in Pre-Deployment,Deployment and Post-Deployment fields.
Pipeline Execution
Click Start Pipeline button for execution.
Octopus Portal validation
Select project -> Runcount should be updated correctly
Click on Process in the project.
Selected war file in command line step in pipeline.
File in Git
Browser Validation