Reports Log Entry for SFDC Run Operation

Reports Log Entry for SFDC Run Operation

At the end of the microservice operation for SFDC run, you can now view a generated Kafka log message for these steps in the pipeline activity log:

  • Validate

  • Unit Test

  • Deploy

To locate the Salesforce Execution Summary:

  1. View Pipeline Logs, and in Validate XML, Unit or Deploy step, ‘report’ will display in Action column.

2. Click ‘report’ row to view Salesforce Execution Summary, containing the following data:


View the descriptions for messages indicated in the following areas:

Execution Overview:

Status - Pending, InProgress, Succeded, SucceededPartial, Failed, Canceling, Canceled.

Check Only - Indicates whether this deploymnet is being used to check the validity of the deployed files without making changes in the organization (true) or not (false).

Retrieve Result - Contains the results of the retrieve call performed immediately after the deploy process completes.

Rollback On Error - Defaults to true. Indicates whether any failure causes a complete rollback (true) or not (false).

Component Overview

Total Number of Components - Total number of components deployed in the deployment.

Number of Components Deployed - Total number of components deployed in the deployment process.

Number of Component Errors - The number of components that generated errors during the deployment.

Unit Test Overview

Contains Unit test overview if included.

Component Details

Contains overview on components, including total components included in run, number deployed and number of component errors. View a table of successful components, including Component Types/Names/File Name and status.

Tables that will display in Component Details:

  1. List of components that were successfully deployed/validated

  2. List of components that fails to get validated/deployed (In case if Validate or Deploy step fails)

  3. List of components not meeting code coverage (In case if Validate or Deploy step fails


View following table for descriptions of status:

Status Descriptions:






The component was successfully deployed.


There has been an error, preventing a successful deployment


The component was created as a result of this deployment


The component was changed as a result of this deployment. If not selected, the deployed component was the same as the corresponding component already in the organization.


The component was deleted as a result of this deployment



Unit Test Details

Contains an overview on Unit Test including numbers of tests and errors. Determine whether or not there were failed tests included with this execution. There will be 2 tables in the Unit Details section:

  1. List of test classes that succeeds

  2. List of test classes that fails execution

Total Number of Tests - The number of unit tests that were run.

Number of Tests Completed - Number of completed tests for deployment.

Number of Test Errors - Number of tests that generated errors for this report.

Failures - Number of failures for the Unit Tests.


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