Configuring Salesforce Organization Access in Tool Registry
Use the following documentation to configure a Salesforce Configurator tool in Opsera’s Tool Registry. Use credentials found in Salesforce Org to configure the Salesforce tool in Opsera.
Salesforce: Managing the Connected Application
Use the Quick Find to find the Application Manager
Locate the connected app that you will use for Opsera.
If there is not a connected app present, click ‘New Connected App’ in the upper right hand corner.
Salesforce Documentation: Salesforce Developers
Opsera Documentation: Steps to establish SFDX Connection
Click the drop-down on the right and select View.
Copy the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret for Tool Registry Configuration.
If you need your security token, navigate to the personal settings page and select Reset My Security Token
Click Reset Security Token and an email will be sent to your associated inbox.
Click Test Connection in the Tool Registry Connection tab to verify connection.
Salesforce Configurator Tool Registry Configuration
Use the information copied from the Salesforce Org to configure the Connections tab.
Domain URL: URL to sandbox org
Salesforce Login Username: Username specific to sandbox org
Salesforce Client ID: From Connected Application
Salesforce Client Secret: From Connected Application