Octopus Functionality Help & Documentation

Octopus Functionality Help & Documentation

This documentation covers Octopus functionality, including Tool Registry setup and step setup in an Opsera pipeline.

Octopus Tool Registry Help

  1. Navigate to Tool Registry and select +New Tool.

  2. Fill out Create New Tool form with with Octopus Deploy as Tool Identifier.

  3. Select Create to save the tool.

4. Navigate to Connections tab within the new tool and enter specific tool configuration information:

  • Octopus URL

  • Octopus Username

  • Octopus API Key

5. Select Save.

6. Select Test Connection to verify tool is configured correctly.


Octopus Pipeline Step Setup and Configuration Help

Sample pipeline flow:

  1. Command Line Build → 2. Nexus Repository → 3. Octopus Deploy

1: Command Line Build

Sample configuration screenshot of Command Line Build step:

2: Nexus Repository

Sample configuration screenshot of Nexus step:

3: Octopus Deploy - Step Configurations

Configure the pipeline using the Octopus Deploy tool you configured in the Tool Registry.

  1. In Step Setup, select Octopus Deploy as the tool.

  2. Save the Step Setup and then select the gear icon to open up Step Configuration.


Octopus Tool ID - Found in Tool Registry. Confirm configuration in Connections is successful before proceeding with tool.

Space Name - Choose the Space Name, found in Octopus portal.

Environment Configurations - Select the environment(s) required. Select multiple environments so the same build can be deployed to both environments using a single pipeline. Environments can be added manually in Octopus Tool details in the Applications tab. Opsera currently supports selecting a maximum of 30 environments.

Project Type:

Octopus Native Project - A project already available in Octopus and will be used for orchestration.

Opsera Managed Project - A new Octopus Project created via Opsera.

Project Group - Projects are organized by group in the Octopus portal.

Project Name - Project Name is fetched from Octopus tool.

Project Description - Provide a project description.

Channel - Channels enable deployment of the same project with multiple deployment strategies. For example, if a hot-fix is deployed first to production, the same can be deployed to other environments using the same pipeline and a different channel ID.

Tenant Configurations - Available for Opsera Native Project Type. Under each Environment, 15 unique tenants are allowed.

Environment - Select an environment from Environment Configurations.

Tenant -

Artifact Step - Select the corresponding pipeline step from the drop down list.

Deployment Target Role -Select the Target Role required.

Deployment Lifecycle -Select the deployment lifecycle, if no lifecycle available in Octopus, Default will be the only option.

Octopus Platform Types:


Deployment Type -

Website Name -

Application Pool Name -

IIS Authentication -

Protocol Selection -

Protocol -

Binding Port -

Host -



Octopus Deployment Type:

Deploy an Azure Web App -

Deploy an Azure App Service -

Octopus Feed -

Physical Path -

Custom Parameter Mapping:

Parameter Type - Once a Parameter Type has been selected, corresponding parameters will be provided to choose from. There are 3 parameter types.

  1. AppSettings

  2. Connection Strings

  3. Variable

Parameter - Fetched from provided parameters in Tool Registry.

Slot Settings - Toggle on for TRUE and off for FALSE. Used for the following Parameter Types:

SQL Azure (Connection String in Azure portal)

Custom (Connection String in Azure portal)

MySQL (Connection String in Azure portal)

PostgreSQL (Connection String in Azure portal)

SQLServer (Connection String in Azure portal)

Environments - For the following Parameter Types, you can also select Environment Type, which will be fetched from the ‘Environment Configurations’ table above:

Variable - Project Variable in Octopus portal.

Deployment variables will have AppSettings and Connection strings only for Azure webapp and Functions. Other Platform types will have only Variable parameter type.



Script Type - Inline

Opsera Script Library - Choose a script saved in the Opsera Script Library.

Namespace - Create a unique namespace

Deployment Variables -

Deploy to Tomcat via Manager

Tomcat Manager -

Context Path -

Pre-Deployment Scripts -

Deployment Script -

Post-Deployment Script -

Octopus Feed -


Octopus Deployment Type - Deploy to IIS

Website Name - Enter the website name.

Application Pool Name - Enter the application pool name.

IIS Authentication - Select one of all three of the IIS authentication available.

Protocol Selection

  • Protocol - Enter Protocol with optional Host to add. Multiple protocols can be added.

  • Binding Port - Enter Binding Port with optional Host to add. Multiple protocols can be added.

  • Host - Option to add host.

Select Add Protocol

.Net CLR Version - Select .net version

IIS Authentication Type - Select IIS Authentication Type. On selecting “Custom user” - enter corresponding username and password.

Application Pool Identity Username -

Application Pool Identity Password -

Start Application Pool - enable/disable

Use Custom Deployment Directory - If enabled, Directory path field will be shown.

  • Deployment Directory -

Purge - Enable “Purge” option to erase the files.

  • Files Excluded from Purge - Enter the file name which can be retained from erasing.

Octopus Feed - Added in Octopus Tool Registry.

Physical Path -

Rollback to a Previous Version -

  • Version -

Specify Deployment Variables

  • Deployment Variables - Enter deployment variables as a list of JSON Objects.

  • Structured Configuration Variables Path -

  • XML Configuration Transformed Variable Value -

Octopus Variable Scope Selection:

Octopus variable scope (Pipeline ID, Run_Count and StepID) will be selected based on the lifecycle chosen for the particular pipeline and not based on the environment configurations we select in the pipeline.


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