Release Update 02/25/2022
SDLC/IAC Pipeline Enhancements:
Enable Email notifications for Opsera pipeline steps for status updates -
Step Level Subscription functionality
Azure Git repository support for Argo deployments for Azure container based deployments
Native support to build Dot Net V6.0
Sonarqube Insights for code coverage and Unit testing for Sonar command line execution
Support for Pylint and Pytest via native command line step
Support for Terratest via native command line step for IAC pipelines
Database Pipelines:
Support for Redshift, SQL Server via Flyway through native integration.
Salesforce Pipeline Enhancements:
Salesforce Token based support to connect to an organization within salesforce
Salesforce Pipeline Wizard Help
Informatica Pipeline Enhancements:
Status/Report of imported/exported objects on a separate Topic.
Deploy from any branch from Gitlab, Github and Bitbucket
Dynamic branching for exporting objects
Informatica Help Documentation
Documentation: (Note: Please save the below links for Opsera platform guidance)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Getting Started:
Getting Started with Opsera
Tool Chain Automation:
Toolchain Automation
Declarative Pipeline:
Building a Declarative Pipeline
Salesforce Pipeline:
Salesforce: Pipeline User Guides
Tool Registry:
Database Pipelines: (Flyway)
Flyway Concepts
Informatica Pipelines: Informatica Help Documentation
Opsera Release Notes: