Release Update 8-14-2022
Compliance (Beta launch):
Git Custodian scan enhancements: Scan for your repositories will now be checking for passwords from XML tags, Email, SSN, JWT key as well (Under Tasks -> Git Custodian / Pipeline Git custodian scan).
Liquibase Integration: Database migration is now supported via OpsERA pipelines using the Liquibase tool (Oracle & snowflake)
Salesforce :
New Component Support: In addition to the existing Salesforce components, we provide support for the following Salesforce components to improve your deployment.
Boomi Support: In addition to the existing Create package & Deploy, now OpsERA pipeline supports Migration
Pipeline Enhancements:
Support for adding dynamic variables in command line pipeline step to use variables from Global parameters more easily
Unified Insights:
Gitlab Lead Time KPI - A KPI to capture below stages from Code commit in Gitlab
Code commit - Merge
Merge to Prod Deployment
Commit - deployment
Trend over time showing average time for code commit to deployment.
Apigee Summary KPI - A KPI to summary of Transfer & Deploy using Apigee
Success %
Total Executions
Monthly Frequency
Average Duration
Documentation: (Note: Please save the below links for Opsera platform guidance)
Getting Started:
Tool Chain Automation:
Declarative Pipeline:
Building a Declarative Pipeline
Salesforce Pipeline:
Salesforce: Pipeline User Guides
Tool Registry:
Database Pipelines: (Flyway)
Informatica Pipelines:
Informatica Help Documentation
Opsera Release Notes: