Release Update 02/11/2022

Salesforce Pipeline Enhancements:

  • Support for migrating Translations between Salesforce Orgs  


  • Optimization of Salesforce BackUp step for Migration (Profile/Translation) pipelines.


SDLC/IAC Pipeline Enhancements: 

  • Native integration to Hashicorp Terraform State cloud for storing and managing the IaC state management

  • Pipeline approval using MS Teams using approval gates. 

  • Enhancements to Jenkins tool registry update. Jenkins Connection information will be updated automatically when a new Jenkins is spinned up.

  • Flyway enhancement for DB deployment - 

    • Allow Out of Order Deployment: If the  toggle is enabled it allows the user to deploy migrations in any order.

  • Enhancement to AWS ECS service deployments will allow users to specify cluster region

  • Argo Enhancements: Users can add clusters to argo for AWS using IAM roles to for the deployment configuration via Opsera Tool Registry

  • Sonar Typescript Support: Users can add Sonar scan with typescript dependencies natively.

Documentation: (Note: Please save the below links for Opsera platform guidance)

Flyway Enhancements:[…]oiZDYxNzZkOTkwOGRlNDAxMGJjNWE2MzZkNDQzNGIyZmQiLCJwIjoiYyJ9

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Getting Started:

Tool Chain Automation:

Declarative Pipeline:

Salesforce Pipeline:

Tool Registry:

Opsera Release Notes: